2.3 技术指标 | Technical parameters |
技术参数 Technical parameter | 指标 Value | |||
输入 input | 额定电压 Nominal voltage | 三相四线 3x220/380V, 可过载2倍 Three phase four wire 3x220/380V,2 times overload | ||
额定电流 Nominal current | 电流互感器或1A二次输入,可过载2倍 CT secondary input or 1A, 2 times overload | |||
剩余电流互感器额定电流 Nominal current of residual CT | 100A 250A 400A 800A 1250A 2000A | |||
测量 measuring | 剩余电流(Residual current) | 30mA-1A | ||
剩余电流动作值 Operating value of residual current | 30-1000mA ,调整步长1mA(step by 1 mA) | |||
剩余电流报警值 Alarm value of residual current | ≥1/2剩余电流动作值(Operating value) | |||
动作时间(Operation time) | 0-20s, 设定间隔时间0.1s(step by 0.1 s) | |||
温度测量(Temperature detection) | 0-140℃ | |||
基本电参量 basic electric parameter | 电压,电流,有功,无功,视在功率,功率因数 Voltage, current, Active power ,reactive power, apparent power, power factor | |||
电能管理 electric energy management management | 包括基波电能和谐波电能 Fundamental and harmonic energy included | |||
精度等级 | accuracy class 0.5 | |||
保护 protecting | 温度保护(over temperature) | 保护设置40-140℃(programmable from 40-140℃) | ||
过压保护(over voltage) | 105~200%,时间1-9999S 间隔1S,可选关闭/报警/脱扣 105~200%,time 1-9999S step 1S,selectable between disable/alarm/relay | |||
过载保护(over load) | 105~200%,时间1-9999S 间隔1S 可选关闭/报警/脱扣 105~200%,time 1-9999S step 1S,selectable between disable/alarm/relay | |||
缺相保护(phase disabled) | 对输入的电压中任一相低于Un的30%认为缺相 When one of three phases is less than 30% of Un | |||
开关量 switching | 开关量输入(switching input) | 3路开关量输入,AC/DC 220V 湿接点输入 3 channels , AC or DC 220V wet contact | ||
开关量输出(switching output) | 2路继电器输出,AC:250V/3A DC:30V/3A 2 channels ,AC:250V/3A DC:30V/3A | |||
通讯 communication | RS485 | 协议:MODBUS_RTU,波特率:4800-38400 bps Protocol:MODBUS_RTU ,baud rate:4800-38400 bps | ||
扩展1(extended module 1) | ETHERNET | |||
扩展2(extended module 2) | CAN-BUS | |||
环境 environment | 温度:(工作:-20°C~+70°C/储存:-40°C~+85°C) | 湿度:≤93%RH,不结露,无腐蚀性气体场所 Temperature:(operation:-20~+70°C/storage:-40~+85°C)|Humidity:≤93%RH,no condensation & corrosive | |||
海拔: ≤2500m Altitude: ≤2500m | ||||
2.4 图例说明 | Legend description | |
编号 No. | 名称 Name | 状态示例 status messages | 功能说明 function description |
1 | LCD | | 128X128 图形LCD显示,显示测控、编程、记录信息 Display images,settings,records & other infomation |
2 | 按键 keys | | 编程设定等 Programming & checking .ie |
3 | 运行 running | 指示灯点亮 Indicator lights | 装置处于正常运行状态 Device running right |
4 | 通讯 communication | 指示灯闪烁 Blinking lights | 通讯正常 Communication ok |
5 | 漏电 Leakage | 指示灯点亮 Indicator lights | 有漏电发生,且超过设定值 Dangerous leakage current detected |
6 | 缺相 Phase loss | 指示灯点亮 Indicator lights | 发生缺相 Phase loss detected |
7 | 故障 Failure | 指示灯点亮 Indicator lights | 装置出现故障 Device failure happens |
2.5 功能特点 | Function feature |
2 . 6 外形尺寸 | Outline dimensions |
2 . 7 接线端子 | Connection terminal |
L | N | DO1+ | DO1- | DO2+ | DO2- | DI1 | DI2 | DI3 | COM1 | | EP- | EP+ | | | | A | B | COM2 |
12 | 13 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 28 | | 18 | 17 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
辅助电源 Auxiliary power | 开关量输出 Switching output | 开关量输入 Switching input | | 脉冲输出 Pulse | 保留 Reserved | 通讯端口 Communication port |
检测电压 Test voltage | 检测电流 Test current | | 检测温度 Test temperature | 检测漏电流 Test leakage current | ||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 |
VA | VB | VC | VN | IA* | IA | IB* | IB | IC* | IC | | NTA | NTB | IO* | IO |
2 . 8 典型应用 | Typical application |
2 .9 订货范例 | Ordering example |
3.1概述 | General |
3.2 型号说明 | Type explanation |
3.3 技术指标 | Technical parameters | | |||
技术参数 Technical parameter | 指标 Value | ||||
输入 Input | 网络 System | 三相四线TT,TNS,TN-C-S系统 3 phase 4 wire TT,TNS &TN-C-S system | |||
频率 Frequency | 50HZ | ||||
电压等级 Voltage level | 0.4KV | ||||
额定电流 Rated current | 100A,250A,400A,800A,1250A,2000A | ||||
剩余电流 Residual current | 6 mA ~ 3000 mA | ||||
输出 Output | 继电器 Relay | 4路或8路继电器输出 4 or 8 channels of relay output | |||
通讯 Communication | RS485接口,MODBUS-RTU协议;可选配CANBUS接口 Interface :RS485, Protocol :MODBUS-RTU; CANBUS is selectable | ||||
显示 Display | 数码管(嵌入式)或液晶(导轨)和若干LED指示灯 LED(embedded) or LCD(rail) & some LED indicating lamps | ||||
报警音 Alarming voice | 蜂鸣器长鸣 Buzzer tweets | ||||
编程 Programming | 动作电流值可分档设置(单位:mA)/trip current selectable(mA):30,50,100,300,500,1000 短脱扣时间可分档设置(单位:mS)/short trip delay selectable(mA):100,200,300,400,750,1000 长脱扣延时时间分档设置(单位:S)/long trip delay selectable(S):2,5,15,30,45,60 通讯地址/communication address:1~247 通讯波特率/communication baud rate :4800~38400 kbps | ||||
测量精度 Accuracy class | 0.5 | ||||
电源 Power supply | AC/DC 85~270V,功耗≤3 VA AC/DC 85~270V, Power consumption≤3 VA | ||||
安全性 Safety | 工频耐压:电源、信号输入、通讯端子两两之间2KV/min 电源、继电器输出之间3KV/min Power frequency withstand voltage : Between power supply、signal input & communication interface 3KV/1min Between power supply & relay output 4KV/1min | ||||
环境 Environment | 温度:-10℃~+55℃ 相对湿度:5%~95%不结露;海拔高度:≤2500m Temperature:(operation:-20~+70°C/storage:-40~+85°C)| Humidity:≤93%RH,no condensation & corrosive| Altitude: ≤2500m | ||||
3.4图例说明 | Legend description | |
编号 No. | 名称 Name | 状态示例 Status messages | 功能说明 Function description |
1 | 报警状态指示灯 Alarming type indicating lamp | 变红或变黄 Getting red or yellow | 指示报警或脱扣 Indicate alarming or trip |
2 | 通道指示灯 Channel indicating lamp | 指示灯点亮 Indicator lights | 指示当前显示的通道 Indicate channel no. on display |
3 | 状态指示灯及单位指示灯 Mode indicating & unit indicating lamp | 指示灯点亮 Indicator lights | 指示工作模式及单位 Indicate working mode & unit |
4 | 数码管显示区 SEG LED | 显示 Display | 显示当前通道剩余电流 Display residual current |
5 | 按键 Keys | | 编程 Programming |
编号 No. | 名称 Name | 状态示例 Status messages | 功能说明 Function description |
1 | 报警状态指示灯 Alarming type indicating lamp | 变红或变黄 Getting red or yellow | 指示各通道报警或脱扣 Indicate alarming or trip status of every channel |
2 | 按键 Keys | | 编程 Programming |
3 | LCD显示区 LCD | 显示 Display | 显示剩余电流值及一些设置信息 Display residual current & setting information |
3.5功能特点 | Function feature |
3 . 6 外形尺寸 | Outline dimensions |
3 . 7 接线端子 | Connection terminal |
L | N | | J1+ | J1- | J2+ | J2- | J3+ | J3- | J4+ | J4- |
12 | 13 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | |
辅助电源 Auxiliary power | 继电器输出 Relay output |
检测剩余电流 Test residual current | 通讯 Communication | |||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | | 21 | 22 | 23 |
I1* | I2* | I3* | I4* | COM1 | NC | A+ | B- | COM2 |
3 . 8 典型应用 | Typical application |
3 .9 订货范例 | Ordering example |
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